Canoe Hire 25.5.14
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A rather grey cloudy and cool Sunday but at least an improvement on Saturday’s deluge. Although there were just four of us manning the station (five makes it so much easier) we were joined throughout the day by visiting Society members and friends who lent a hand. The three lads from the Army Cadet Force also came down for the second week running and they are finding the kayak practice they are getting on flat safe water a great help with their own Army Cadet Canoe Training.
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But it is the progress of the true beginner that gives the most satisfaction. Steering is the first and most difficult problem but with just basic instructions and still water two people in a canoe can soon become a team.
We still awaiting our ‘permanent’ canoes as the current nine are still on loan from White Water Consultancy. It will be good to have the ten gleaming Nova Craft Open Canoes in the canoe store very soon.