Our treasurer reports that our community canoe hire project has had a most succesful season. Takings are up on the previous two years and all this money goes towards the restoration of the canal and the improvement of the canoe project. We introduced Tuesday opening during the Easter and Summer School holidays this year which was a great hit, particularly during the Summer Holidays. We continued to take party bookings from schools as well as groups such as the Ramblers, the local canoe club and the Pontardawe Running Club.
We owe a great deal to the volunteers and who man the canoe store on Sundays and Tuesday and several of them acquired new canoe safety qualifications on a day’s training course on the Neath Canal. We thank Warren, David and Hywel for running this excellent venture.
Most of all we thank Gill who sees that the canoe station is adequately manned and who keeps the whole project afloat. She is our graceful swan paddling like fury below the surface of the Swansea Canal.