Meadow Sweet, Canadian Pond Weed and Gower Society Photos.
Peter Douglas-Jones, from the Gower Society visited us today to get a photographic record of the work we are doing with the generous GS grant that was awarded to us last autumn. We visited the Mond Lock which was repointed and given new wooden sleepers with some of the money last Autumn. Rhodri and Bob in action below.
Further GS money has been earmarked for the restoration of the Buried Lock in the Old Council Yard site. At present we await permission from the CCoS planners to go ahead with digging a channel through the site that will guarantee the flow of water to the Vale Inco site while we work on a dry bed through the old lock. Peter caught up with us there completing our large tool store that will be ready for use when the go-head is given.
In the interim Michelle has been busy making a model of the lock and site as it will look in the years to come.
Peter walked further up the canal to see our Work Party in action dealing with the floating menace that is Canadian Pond Weed. If only it was as compliant as the delightful Meadow Sweet that enhances the tow path at this time of year. Rabbie, Mike and Michelle got the raft out to get down and dirty with the CPW in the channel while Alan, Gareth and John set up a second front on the towpath with Aspen rakes and grappling irons.
We are delighted to say that the Canal and River Trust contractors will be out in force from Monday the 16th July with specialised craft to deal with the azolla, CPW and invasive reeds that are clogging the southern end of the canal in Clydach.
Thanks to Paul Papsey, Martin Davies and Peter Douglas Jones for the photos.