New Projects – Dredging
We have some Swansea University profs coming to see us next week to discuss helping us with silt sampling and analysis so we can consider dredging the canal in parts. We have also had a Funders Search done for us by Swansea CVS and we are already getting some applications filled in as a result of that.[singlepic id=177 w=320 h=240 float=]
Meeting with Swansea University 16.7.13
Dr Kath Ficken, from Swansea University, met with the work party and Lee Davies and Gethin DAvies from Vale Inco. She said that European funding was available to finance the analysis of the silt in the canal and they were happy to carry out tests on behalf of the society. These will be done in mid-August and the results should be available in Septermber.[singlepic id=215 w=320 h=240 float=]