Newsletter Autumn 2014
Welcome to our Autumn Newsletter, which we hope will give you a synopsis of the work that we are involved in and what we hope to achieve. New members and volunteers are always welcome to join us.
More photos, further details, reports and events are on our website.
We welcome Gordon Walker as our new Chairman, elected at our AGM in August, and give our thanks to our retiring chairman, David Henry for his excellent work.
Canoes and Kayaks
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We were delighted to welcome Nick Worthington, CRT Waterways Manager, and his two sons to the Swansea Canal. He took time from visiting the Waterway Recovery Group work camp at the Trebanos Locks to have a paddle in one of our single kayaks.
Given a helping hand and some basic instruction by David, they set off towards Trebanos. They all managed the waterway extremely well, which given Nick’s job title, came as no shock.
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They all had an enjoyable voyage in the water and we thank Nick and the CRT for the support they gave us in getting this great project up and running.
We also had a visit to the canoe store from our local PCSOs and they gave us very helpful advice on security.
Waterways Recovery Group
The Canal Society and the Canal and River Trust welcomed the WRG volunteers, who stayed at the Ynyscedwyn Scout Hut for their two week camp.
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The WRG group helped to restore the canal at the lower and upper Trebanos Locks.
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Among the volunteers we had representatives from France, Italy, Norway and South Africa and we thank them all for their commitment and time. We hope they enjoyed their stay with us.
Work Parties
Our Tuesday work parties continue and we have enjoyed the support of new volunteers, who work hard in all weathers to maintain and restore the canal.
Cassie Ward, the CRT Volunteer co-ordinator, has visited and worked with our Tuesday volunteers.
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Local Development Plan
We have received the latest amendments to the Final Draft of the NPT Local Development Plan. The changes are set out in this document and in the council’s view
‘The stretches of canal where restoration currently appears to be less likely, but may be feasible in the future, are also protected by the policy to ensure WHERE POSSIBLE that new development does not cause any physical impediment ’accordingly.”
. As it now stands, those two words, ‘WHERE POSSIBLE’, make it much more likely that developments will be allowed that do cause a physical impediment to restoration of derelict sections.
You can make your views known to NPT as follows:-
‘Representations can either be submitted directly online or on a Representation Form which is available on request or to download from the Council’s website:
The consultation begins on Tuesday 2nd September and will end at midnight on Monday 13th October 2014. Representations received after the deadline will not be accepted.’
Please do help us save our local heritage for future generations. No development should be allowed by NPT that causes a physical impediment to reinstatement.
Please visit out website where you can read our blogs and find out what is happening on our events page, plus get up to date information on the canoes and kayaks.
SCS, 238 Swansea Road Trebanos Swansea, SA8 4BYTelephone: 0844 209 4548
Charity Registration Number 1105624