Swansea University Conservation Society 14.10.15
We arranged for the Swansea University Conservation Society to join us this afternoon for some lime mortar re-pointing training. David Viner, the CRT Heritage Officer, took the session and gave a demonstration of the use of the various tools to our seven SUCS visitors.
They were then let loose on a section of the old wall running between the two Trebanos Locks.
They were excellent pupils and re-pointed about fifteen yards of the low wall to David’s satisfaction.
While this was going on Nigel and Gordon took the opportunity given by the oodles of lime mortar mix floating around to continue erecting the wall at the end of the lock.
As the sun set the students from Swansea University were already dab hands and their application and hard work is evident in this picture. We thank them for their help and David for his master class.
We do hope the SUCS will return when we organise a Sunday morning work day later in the year.