TUESDAY 17TH JANUARY 2017: Work Party meets at Brownsters cafe, High Street, Clydach between 8.00 and 9.00am. Work starts from Clydach Aqueduct northwards from 9.15am. We will be clearing the banks of weeds, pruning the buddleias on the embankments and using the Aquapeche boat to remove invasive weeds from the centre of the channel.
SWANSEA CANAL SOCIETY IN THE NEWS: There was a full page report and picture in the Evening Post on page 37 of Thursday’s (Jan 12th) edition. This gave coverage to our work in the Old Highways Depot where we have been given the section over the buried canal by the City and County of Swansea. Cllr Clive Lloyd, Swansea Cabinet Member for Transformation and Performance took the time to be with us. We thank him and Greg Jones, Press Officer at the CCoS, for his help.
We will also have a slot on the BBC SOUTH WEST WALES online page in the next two or three days. This too will cover our projects aims for the next few years. We thank Neil Prior, at BBC Wales News Online, for this publicity.