Virgin Canoe Day
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Today we had a great trial run for our canoe project, which is starting next week. Virgin media volunteers came along to assist us, along with Simon Fenton, an experienced canoeist who added his support for the day.[singlepic id=1358 w=320 h=240 float=none]
We had families with of children of a range of ages and competencies enjoying the canoes.
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We had safety gear for all ages, and Dean, originally a Virgin Media volunteer but now one of our own members, ensured that everyone was kitted out properly.
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Meanwhile hot dogs and cakes were provided by our head Caterer, Gill, aided and abeted by her two trainee chefs
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Although Gill maintained overall control.
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Mark, from Virgin Media, but now, hopefully a future SCS member, obviously appreciated their handiwork.
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After refreshments more families joined us.
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All in all it was an excellent day. All the volunteers worked hard, but special thanks must go to Mark and Dean who added so much enthusiasm, competence and humour to the day.