Whitehorn’s Work Party 1.4.14
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Whitehorn’s Day Care Centre joined us on the Tuesday Work Party, of which they are now regular participants. As a thank you for their contributions to our work they were given the opportunity to have a go on our new canoes.
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Well supervised, on a one to one basis by their support workers, they were kitted out, and took to the water.
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They were supervised from the bank all the way by trained members of the Canal Society, on the tow path and on the water.
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Resulting in a great experience for all concerned. We were grateful to receive an email from Lee Esqualant from Whitehorns :
‘This was a fantastic experience for them and one that I am sure will remain in their memories for life. They are all enjoying the work on offer…..This project is really making a difference in people’s lives.’
The volunteers are only too pleased that the service users and support workers are all enjoying themselves.