WORK PARTY: 19.6.18
Rhodri was detailed to find the leak today. Some hope. Thecanal water is leeching into the Vale golf course somewhere around the 14th hole. Do not expect a to bounce a wedge shot into the cup on that hole.
Things were not going smoothly either at the canoe store where the dumper was having a hissy fit. Gordon as ever to the rescue. Eventually, after much swearing, the sandbagging could continue.
71 sandbags to be precise. Yes, we counted them all out from the dumper truck and counted them all in at the towpath edge. Well done Mike and Andy and Sue and Ronnie and Gareth and Bob.
Andy was also prominent in removing the Canadian Pond Weed from the channel, though in this pic he seems to have asked to have his face obscured to preserve his anonymity.
Well done to everyone. Time for tea.
Many thanks to Veroica Fuller, Paul Rapsey and Martin Davies for the photos.