Work Party Sunday 20th January 2019
The team met up at 10.00am at Herbert Street bridge in Pontardawe. The weather was unusually mild for late January and the sun ventured out as the morning progressed. We spotted eighteen pairs of mallards and a grebe on the canal.
The Work Party concentrated it’s effort on the canal just above Herbert Street bridge largely due to the recent, and rather surprising, appearance of two traffic cones in the canal. These were removed safely and further litter picking was carried out.
We stopped at twelve o’clock for ginger biscuits and lashings of hot coffee. There were opportunities to engage with several local people out walking in the sunshine. The gratitude expressed to the volunteers of the Swansea Canal Society is both re-affirming and rewarding.
The final photo is the iconic view taken from Herbert Street bridge. The team left this area cone-free and litter free. Well done team!