Work Party: Sunday 25th February 2024
With the weather looking unpredictable, our small work party decided indoor tasks were a safer option! Mike, Ronnie and Alan T met at the Canal and River Trust depot in Hebron Road to sort out some shelving that could be used in our new Swansea Canal Centre workshop. They searched through a large selection of Dexion racking that had seen better days, to find a dozen straight and undamaged stanchions to work with. Mike and Alan set to work with power sanders to remove loose paint and surface rust. |
It was dusty work, but after each section was prepared we passed them to Ronnie who gave them a coat of black paint. |
We’d made decent progress after a few hours, although more uprights will be needed for the size of racking we envisage, and the shelving is also rather rusty and that will need a bigger team effort. But it was a good start and a first step towards fitting out the Centre, which we hope to occupy in the near future. |