Work Party: Tuesday 11th June 2019
A merry band of 14 volunteers assembled in the Buried Lock site in Clydach to carry on with general tidying duties. This was a change to our original plan to finish the repointing of the bywash at Ynysmeudwy Upper Lock occasioned by the threat of torrential rain that, needless to say, never materialised! Your intrepid cub reporter managed to delete all of the photographs he had taken so there is no pictorial record of (1) Gareth the Elder strimming brash in St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church car park, (2) David weeding, (3) Gordon, John and new recruit Peter cutting and installing stop planks and (4) John and Mike picking litter. I can only apologise for my ineptitude and thank all involved for their hard work. Luckily, Martin and Paul were able to provide the photos below. |
One gang retrieved sand and hardcore from storage bags on one side of the yard and used the trusty motorised wheelbarrow to transport it to the other side. |
A second gand moved larger pieces of rubble, using much of it to fill a void between two walls, with a view to creating a raised bed for future planting. |
Gareth barrowed vegetation to the compost bed cum garden whilst Martin and Paul moved topsoil and planted trees and small plants. It will look lovely. |
Ronnie did some much needed weeding. |
Time for a well earned break. |
And finaly, Gordon showed off his refurbished cement mixer. It is sturdier and of larger capacity than our old one. |
Thanks everyone for another magnificent effort and further apologies to those denied a pictorial record. |