Work Party Tuesday 16th April 2019
This week the threat of imminent rain meant a change to the planned activity, but fifteen eager and suitably attired volunteers headed down to Lock No.7 ‘The Hidden Lock’ in Clydach where there were tasks aplenty for one and all. Volunteers ‘woodchip’ Bob and Gareth set to work on completing the implement store. They cut and fitted shiplap boards to the walls to ensure that the store is now weather proof. Andy was on hand to assist, and was busy storing sheets of insulation panelling. |
Inside the ‘mess room’ John was busy repairing the door frames and fitting a door. |
Meanwhile out in the yard a major clean-up was underway. Young volunteers Rhys and Isaac were busy carting away accumulated rubbish and leaves. Gordon got to work cutting up scrap timber with his chainsaw and Andy got the brazier started. |
Martin ‘green fingers’ continued with the gardening along the wildlife corridor that follows the towpath. By removing unwanted grasses and weeds he made room for the Spurge, Salad Burnet and Jack-in-the-Hedge that have appeared in the flower beds. Jack-in-the-Hedge is an excellent food source for the caterpillar of the Orange Tip Butterfly. |
Volunteers Mike and Bob were getting a handle on a pair of short-range radios loaned to the society. If they prove sucessful in use to improve communication between volunteers who are separated by up to a mile at times, then the Society will purchase two or more. They will then become vital equipment for the summer season of canoe & kayak hire in Clydach. |
Speaking of boats, young Rhys and Isaac were also kept busy cleaning and polishing the Canal Society’s work boat. Ronnie and Mike joined in the fun, and John did some minor repairs to the boat trailer. |
Ronnie and David were able to do a bit of pruning and tidying up around the site. Brambles seem to spring up everywhere! |
Time for a break for tea and coffee in the sumptuous interior of our very own site office. |
After a coffee and a natter volunteers John and Gordon set up a pair of traffic blind-spot mirrors at the vehicle entrance to the site. These will greatly improve the safety of cyclists and pedestrians using the towpath. |
This was a very productive work party because a great deal of spring cleaning was carried out and many little jobs were dealt with by the busy little band of volunteers. Many thanks. |